PUBLIC INTEREST DEBATE: Back to School Vouchers

07 February 2024

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL (Camden) (17:10): I speak in opposition to the motion. I start by clarifying that when the Liberal‑Nationals Government's back to school voucher program was announced it was quite clearly stated to be a one‑off payment.

Mr Dugald Saunders: Where? How? How was it stated? Where was it stated?

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: It was in your press release. Therefore, things have not been changed. It was a one‑off payment.

TEMPORARY SPEAKER (Mr David Layzell): The member for Coffs Harbour will come to order.

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: On this side of the House we are focused on restoring public education to its former glory—before the Coalition Government stripped it dry. We are looking at providing free, quality education for all in our public schools. It is important that people are given a choice. People in my electorate have been affected by a lack of high schools in their area. What has been happening is privatisation by stealth. The former Government did not build the high schools our growing communities needed. People have had no choice but to take their children to the nearest private school because there is no public school to attend within distance. Comments have been made that imply teachers did not deserve their recent pay rise and that they need to earn it.

As a former teacher myself, I think it needs to be made perfectly clear that public schools and public school teachers are providing everything that students need to have a quality education. Parents who cannot afford to buy their child a school uniform can speak to their school and be provided with one. Similarly, they can be provided with a schoolbag, pencils, pens, books, paper and shoes—everything the student needs. Teachers will go out of their way to provide such things. We need to remove the stigma and shame around families saying, "I'm struggling. I need to be able to get that." No teacher that I know would ever deny a student the resources they need for their schooling. In fact, all of the schools I have been associated with have gone out of their way to provide things students needed in order for them to have a proper education.

We need to remove any shame around families asking their school for help, so as to be able to provide a quality education product for their children. Schools do so much more than provide resources for children. They provide mental health support and learning support, which are not covered by the voucher system. We need to fund our public schools and support our teachers so that they are not so exhausted. Teachers are the lifeblood of our schools. The former Coalition Government made so many cuts to education during its time that in one of the schools in my electorate on one particular Friday in 2021, 75 classes did not have a teacher. There was no teacher available.

Ms Felicity Wilson: Shame, Labor!

Ms Charishma Kaliyanda: Shame on you!

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: Yes, 100 per cent shame on those opposite, because teachers had walked away and without teachers there is no education.

Mr Dugald Saunders: Point of order: My point of order is on relevance under Standing Order 129. This motion is about back to school vouchers; it is not about teachers.

TEMPORARY SPEAKER (Mr David Layzell): I am satisfied that the member is being relevant.

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: The motion we are debating today is insulting to everyone involved in our public school system and to everyone who is trying to provide a quality public education for children in New South Wales. A healthy public school system is the lifeblood of our future.