14 March 2024

Debate resumed from an earlier hour.

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL (Camden) (12:18): The Animal Research Review Panel is not the only mechanism built into the animal research framework to support robust animal welfare protections in this State. The animal research framework is also supported by the role of animal ethics committees, or AECs. These AECs are responsible for approving and monitoring research within accredited animal research establishments, including carrying out inspections of animals and facilities. Importantly, no animal research may be carried out without AEC approval. AECs must consider and evaluate applications to conduct research on the basis of the researchers' responses to a comprehensive set of questions, including the justification for the research, its likely impact on the animals, and procedures for preventing or alleviating pain and distress. I emphasise that point.

I acknowledge the work of the Hon. Emma Hurst, MLC, from the other place, in introducing the bill. I know the member has been working on it for some time—as have Government members. The Hon. Emma Hurst's collaborative approach with the Government has produced the bill that is before the House. The Government, which supports a strong animal research framework in this State, cannot rest on its laurels. We need to take the advice of our experts. That is why the Government supports the strengthened animal welfare outcomes in the bill. I am reminded of the amount of structure work that the Government has been doing. Creating strong frameworks for our organisations is exceedingly important. It is vital that government bodies and private bodies understand the framework and the parameters within which they are able to work. I am also reminded of something that has worked very well in my local area. The Camden Show, which is coming up this weekend, is very dear to people's hearts. On Friday and Saturday of this week—

Mr David Harris: Not St Patrick's Day.

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: St Patrick's Day is also important to the people of Camden, which is why I am wearing green today. The Camden Show is extremely important to the Camden community. Some 40,000 people come to enjoy the show every year. It is one of the last shows to be held before the Sydney Royal Easter Show, so it is a great opportunity for people who have not yet done so to qualify for the Easter show. There is a fantastic array of horse events and an incredible number of cattle events.

Mr Stephen Kamper: I'll be there.

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: It is a fantastic event. We have the affectionately named "politicians' corner", where every politician in the area has a stall. We all get to hang out together. I am looking forward to the robust conversation that will ensue between me and Angus Taylor. It is a fantastic weekend of incredible things. On Friday—

Mr Nathan Hagarty: What about the music?

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: I am so pleased that you asked about the music. On Friday there will be an all‑day festival featuring performances by schools, including dance performances. Special needs dance groups will also perform. It is fantastic. Then there will be the Battle of the Bands on the Friday and Saturday nights. There will be incredible fireworks. We have a fantastic—

Mr Stephen Kamper: It will be a cracker!

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: It is a cracker. I issue a general warning to everyone in Camden to bring their dogs inside those nights. We always have a problem on the Saturday and Sunday mornings with missing dogs because of the fireworks. But we do have a fantastic—

Ms Robyn Preston: We are still talking about animals. That's good.

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL: Yes, we are still talking about animals. It is important that our animals are looked after beautifully. It is important that we incorporate care of animals into events like the Camden Show, as well as into our animal research framework. It is important that next weekend people will get to show their hand‑reared animals. There will be chickens, cows, goats, cats, dogs and horses. It is a fantastic event. A two-day rodeo is held concurrently with the Camden Show. It is an amazing opportunity for people to come to my area and spend their money. They can see what it is like to be in the country for a day, and wear the appropriate outfits. That is why the Government supports the strengthened welfare outcomes for animals used in research that are outlined in the bill before the House.