Wear Orange Wednesday

06 June 2024

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL (Camden) (15:53): I acknowledge and pay tribute to all NSW State Emergency Service [SES] staff and volunteers and acknowledge Wear Orange Wednesday [WOW], which was held on 22 May. Residents were invited to wear orange to show their support and appreciation for the fantastic work our SES crews do in the community. In my electorate, the Camden SES has always been on the front lines when storms and flooding have impacted our community. The dedicated volunteers selflessly serve the community when called upon. They are ready to put themselves in danger to help others. WOW provides a platform to honour the unwavering commitment of SES volunteers. Through their tireless efforts, they safeguard lives, properties and livelihoods across our State. Their readiness to respond, regardless of the hour or the conditions, embodies the best of our community. I thank in particular the three SES guys who cut up and cleared the tree that fell across my driveway so I could leave. I extend deep appreciation to SES volunteers for their dedication and selflessness. Wearing orange symbolises our support for these everyday heroes who are always ready to help.