Dharawal Cup Festival of Football

30 May 2023

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL (Camden) (00:01): On 21 January it was my great pleasure to attend the second Dharawal Cup Festival of Football. Held at Ron Dine Reserve, the day was hosted by Camden Tigers Football Club through its Indigenous Football Program. The day kicked off with a welcome to country conducted by Aunty Joyce followed by games of football, each featuring an Indigenous side taking on the Camden Tigers equivalent. Highlights of the day included the Lyrebird Cup, featuring two girls' youth teams, and the Reconciliation Cup, featuring an over‑35s game. However, the main feature remained the Dharawal Cup, which kicked off at 5.00 p.m. following an excellent rendition of the Australian national anthem by Monique Ray in both Dharawal and English, and a smoking ceremony by Uncle Ivan. For those whose primary interest was not the football, a sausage sizzle, kids' rides, face painting and a weaving workshop were also on offer. I congratulate Camden Tigers Football Club, particularly president Rodney Ciantar and director of the Indigenous Football Program, Uncle Phil. Thank you for my boomerang trophy. I look forward to next year's festival.