QUESTION TIME: Gregory Hills Public School

31 May 2023

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL (Camden) (11:10): My question is addressed to the Premier. Will the Premier please update the House on how the New South Wales Government is keeping its promise to deliver a new school for the Gregory Hills community?

Mr CHRIS MINNS (Kogarah—Premier) (11:10): That is a tough but fair question. The member for Camden, a former schoolteacher and a newly elected member of this House, represents one of the fastest growing communities in Australia—not just in New South Wales, but across the entire country. In that part of the State, under the previous Government's population growth targets, the Camden local government area was due to grow by an additional 83 per cent over the next 20 years. Campbelltown is due to grow by an additional 31 per cent from 174,000 to 229,000. The Liverpool local government area is due to grow by an additional 35 per cent. In 2011, during the term of the previous Government, the suburb of Gregory Hills had a population of 38 people. That population grew to 4,900 in 2016 and grew again to 14,300 this year.

The suburb consists mainly of new housing, which means a lot of young families and a lot of schoolkids. You would think that if you were going to allow 14,000 families to move into a community, you would build a school, right? Wrong. Previous Government members said, "We're not going to build that school." At the end of the day, we had to go to the families.

[Opposition members interjected.]

Members opposite protest. Hanna Braga said Gregory Hills Public School had been pushed back to 2027 under the previous Government. Half the school would be completed in 2027 and the other half would open in 2030. Hanna Valenzuela is a mum from Gregory Hills. Do you know Hanna?

Mrs Sally Quinnell: I do know Hanna.

Mr CHRIS MINNS: On 14 June she said, "We moved here in 2013 and it was promised that it would be here in a couple of years. We're still waiting." At the end of the day, under enormous pressure from the local community, the former Premier of New South Wales had to do something. The previous Government went to Gregory Hills and made a solemn promise that the school would be built by term 1, day one, 2023. We are now in term 2. Is the school built? No, the school was not built, despite the solemn promise entered into by the previous Government. Infrastructure for one of the fastest growing communities in all of New South Wales was not delivered by the previous Government. I can reveal to the House that the Government has begun construction on the school and will complete it. This Government will deliver what the previous Government simply could not. I will say this much about the previous Government when it comes to infrastructure in Western Sydney, because this is important— [Extension of time]

We discovered that the former Government underspent on school infrastructure by $1.2 billion in a single budget. Families and growing communities are desperate for new schools and kids are being educated in demountables, yet the former Government underspent the school infrastructure budget by $1.2 billion in a single year. That is disgraceful, but it will not end there. The Government is under new management. Labor will build the schools that New South Wales needs. I can inform the House that this morning the Minister for Education and Early Learning announced a new high school for Marsden Park.

The SPEAKER: The member for Port Macquarie will come to order.

Mr CHRIS MINNS: It was promised by Labor and delivered by Labor. We will build a new high school in Gledswood Hills, and new schools in Googong, Medowie, Leppington, and the Carter Street Precinct at Sydney Olympic Park, which the member for Auburn is very pleased about. The bottom line is that the Government needs to build the infrastructure for a growing city. That is exactly what Labor will do. We will learn from the chronic mistakes of the previous Government. When parents need schools, the Government will deliver them.

Ms Robyn Preston: Point of order—

The SPEAKER: Has the Premier completed his answer?

Mr CHRIS MINNS: I have wrapped up.

The SPEAKER: The Premier has completed his answer.