QUESTION TIME: Entertainment Quarter Concert Cap

07 February 2024

Mrs SALLY QUINNELL (Camden) (12:12): My question is addressed to the Minister for Small Business, Minister for Lands and Property, Minister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Sport. Will the Minister update the House on how the New South Wales Government has lifted the concert cap and unlocked the potential of the SCG precinct?

Mr STEPHEN KAMPER (Rockdale—Minister for Small Business, Minister for Lands and Property, Minister for Multiculturalism, and Minister for Sport) (12:12): I thank the member for Camden for her question—a fantastic local member and an excellent question. I am more than happy to inform the House that we have lifted the archaic concert cap from four concerts to 20 concerts a year. We are bringing entertainment back to the entertainment precinct. Not only are we bringing back the entertainment but also we are bringing back business to Sydney. Each concert is estimated to bring $5 million to $7.5 million in economic benefit to the local economy, and that is nearly $120 million a year and billions over the lifetime of the stadium.

I have to maintain my calm; last time I spoke about the concert cap I got a little excited. Regrettably, I said that Opposition members closed Sydney to business and I called the Opposition leader a wowser. I know he was personally offended by that. I regret that, but I was right. I will try to remain calm on this occasion, but it is hard to remain calm because this is a big win for Sydney. We are returning Sydney to its rightful place as the premier destination in the Asia-Pacific—a truly global city. It is a commonsense policy where everybody wins—it is a win for business, for music fans, for Swifties, for Beliebers and for the Beyhive.

As I said, it is a commonsense decision. As soon as I heard the result I raced up to my good friend the Minister "Disco" John Graham and we cracked open the Tia Maria and started cranking the B-52s. My staff have informed me that the B-52s may not be the right music for the Allianz venue, so I decided to ask a few of my colleagues what they would like. Given the wide range of responses, I think we will only be able to do one song per artist. The member for Wahroonga wanted Use Somebody by Kings of Leon; the member for Epping,Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye; and the member for Oatley just wanted to Be Somebody. When I asked the Treasurer what he wanted, he said Money. I assume he was referring to Pink Floyd, but you never know with that guy. [Time expired.]