16 May 2023

Sally Quinnell MP, newly elected Labor Member for Camden, has declared her electorate office open to the community as seen in recent social media posts by Mrs Quinnell.

Mrs Quinnell’s office, located at Narellan Town Centre will, over the coming weeks and months showcase culturally significant artwork from Camden artists, and is the first step Mrs Quinnell is taking to ensure that Camden has a strong local voice.

Mrs Quinnell has also committed to creating a social and community hub at her office, which in due course will provide a room for her constituents to meet with herself and her staff, toys and activities for young children when local parents meet with her and displays provided to her by local community organisations.
This is all part of Mrs Quinnell’s commitment to work with the Minns Labor Government to ensure that the needs of the Camden Electorate are met after twelve years of inaction by the previous government.

Quotes attributable to Sally Quinnell MP, Labor Member for Camden
“I’m thrilled to announce that my electorate office is finally open.”
“Thank you to everyone in the community who have been incredibly patient with me while I get things up and running, it’s been greatly appreciated.”
“I’m so excited to start meeting with everyone in Camden. After twelve years of inaction by the Coalition government, it’s time that Camden starts receiving the attention it deserves.”